Chapter 6 - Videos

Tools and Equipment

Using the right tools when working on your car will make the job easier and safer. An ASE certified technician typically has hundreds of common and specialty tools to work on a variety of vehicles. However, every auto owner should have some basic tools to perform periodic maintenance and minor repairs.

Mac Tools Student Tech Program
(Mac Tools)

BlueDriver OBD II Scan Tool

Using a Micrometer Part 1

Using a Micrometer Part 2

Using a Micrometer Part 3

Using a Micrometer Part 4

Using a Thickness (Feeler) Guage

Measuring with English and Metric Dial Calipers

Four Ways to Measure with a Slide Caliper

Screw and Bolt Extractors

How to Use Tap and Die Sets

Industrial Designer

These videos are embedded from YouTube and have been organized to support content learned in the Auto Upkeep curriculum. Even though the videos have been screened, due to the nature of the Internet students may navigate from the intended video to unanticipated content. It is also possible that the video maker may edit the video that is embedded. If this site is used in an educational institution it is recommended that the instructor review the videos before sending students to them.

If you would like to view additional videos from the video maker, the video’s YouTube Channel link is in parentheses ( ) after the title. and do not endorse any YouTube Channel listed. The videos were embedded to help you understand basic car care, maintenance, repair, and how cars work.

If you find additional YouTube videos that you believe would support the content in the Auto Upkeep curriculum, please email us the YouTube link.