Chapter 5 - Videos

Safety Around the Automobile

If the correct precautions are not taken, working on automobiles can be dangerous. In a school lab, in your garage, or at an automotive repair facility you need to be aware of people and your surroundings at all times. People are needlessly hurt each year through carelessness. When safety precautions are followed, working on the automobile can be a rewarding experience. Safety glasses, eyewash stations, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are some of the items that should be available in an automotive work area.

Automotive Lift Institute

Choosing The Best Hearing Protection

Eye Wash Station Demonstration
(Enviro. Health & Safety Iowa State Univ.)

Portable Fire Extinguishers
(OSHA Training Services)

How To Safely Lift and Support Your Vehicle

How safe are my safety spectacles really?
(UVEX Safety Group)

OSHA Floor Marking Standards
(Brady North America)

An Inside Look at Testing for High Impact Compliance
(Edge Eyewear)

How to Wear Soft Foam Earplugs

Respiratory Safety
(US Dept of Labor)

Respiratory Protection in General Industry
(US Dept of Labor)

Respirators in the Workplace

Foot Safety in the Workplace

Safety Data Sheet Management


Personal Protective Equipment
(Montana State Fund)

Eye Protection
(Montana State Fund)

Proper Lifting
(Montana State Fund)

Ear Protection
(Montana State Fund)

Bloodborne Pathogen

How to Use a Portable Fire Extinguisher
(Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association)

How to Use a 2-Post Lift
(Rotary Lift)

2-Post Lift Daily Inspection
(Rotary Lift)

4-Post Lift Daily Inspection
(Rotary Lift)

How To Safely Lift and Support Your Vehicle
(O’Reilly Auto Parts)

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

These videos are embedded from YouTube and have been organized to support content learned in the Auto Upkeep curriculum. Even though the videos have been screened, due to the nature of the Internet students may navigate from the intended video to unanticipated content. It is also possible that the video maker may edit the video that is embedded. If this site is used in an educational institution it is recommended that the instructor review the videos before sending students to them.

If you would like to view additional videos from the video maker, the video’s YouTube Channel link is in parentheses ( ) after the title. and do not endorse any YouTube Channel listed. The videos were embedded to help you understand basic car care, maintenance, repair, and how cars work.

If you find additional YouTube videos that you believe would support the content in the Auto Upkeep curriculum, please email us the YouTube link.